Pasadena’s New Planning Director Promotes City’s Neighborhood Vision 30 March 1995
Dan Garcia Headlines LA’s Development Reform Proposals 30 March 1995
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 March 1995
LAHD’s Gary Squier: A Candid Reality Check 30 March 1995

TPR Roundtable: A Preview of the LA General Plan Framework Debate 28 February 1995
The Los Angeles River: Reshaping the Urban Landscape 28 February 1995
John Seymour’s New Job: Southern California Housing Development Corp. 28 February 1995
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 28 February 1995

Bodaken: In A “New’t” World, Federal Commitment to Housing Will Be? 30 January 1995
CEQA Update: 1994 Legislation & Guidelines 30 January 1995
Martin/Avila: Los Angeles Government Center Planning Scenarios Demystified 30 January 1995
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 January 1995
Ira Yellin: Architecture’s Importance Uncommunicated 30 January 1995

The Inland Empire Examined: Location, Location, Location 30 December 1994
State Constitutional And Fiscal Reform: A Primer for 1995 30 December 1994
Inglewood: Urban Planning & Economic Development in Pursuit of Investment 30 December 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 December 1994
Deputy Mayor Rae James: “An Annual Assessment” 30 December 1994

Ridley-Thomas: Los Angeles CRA in Flux & Up-For-Grabs 30 November 1994
A Status Report: Century Freeway Housing Program 30 November 1994
Sony Studio Expansion: A Win-Win Development for Culver City 30 November 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 November 1994
Mills Act: City of LA Acts to Support Historic Structures 30 November 1994

Senator Roberti’s Exit Interview: Power Abhors a Vacuum 30 October 1994
Rebuilding Our Communities 30 October 1994
Hal Bernson: LA City’s Planning Agenda Reviewed & Assessed 30 October 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 October 1994
Reinventing Local Government: A Veteran’s Perspective 30 October 1994

Dean Blakely: A New Voice at USC Offers Both an Agenda & Wisdom 30 September 1994
Organizing the Business of Affordable Housing 30 September 1994
A HUD Policy Perspective from Cisneros’ Special Ass’t Marc Weiss 30 September 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 September 1994
TPR Point/Counter Point: L.A. Affordable Housing Incentives Program 30 September 1994
Paternoster: Long Beach is Pursuing a Vision 30 September 1994

Nollan-Dolan “Taking” Doctrine: Landmark Supreme Court Cases? 30 August 1994
Urban/Commercial Revitalization: What’s the BID Deal? 30 August 1994
O’Malley Miller: Orchestrating State Office Consolidation with Authority 30 August 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 August 1994
Rethinking the Future of Our Urban Downtowns: An Opportunity in Need of Study 30 August 1994

Competing Agendas for Change: Jackie Goldberg’s Planning Views 30 July 1994
Streamlining Lessons Learned by City of Glendale Planning Director 30 July 1994
Promises Made, Promises Kept: LA/CRA’s Quiet Revolution 30 July 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 July 1994
Love Won’t Pay the Rent: Structuring Long-Term Affordable Housing 30 July 1994

LA’s Development Reform Process: A Plea to Council for Predictability 30 June 1994
Does LA’s Mixed-Use Ordinance Need Amending? 30 June 1994
Might the City of Burbank Have the Answers for Planning in the 90’s? 30 June 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 June 1994
TPR Forum: LA City Council Oversight of LA/CRA? 30 June 1994
Ron Deaton: Staff Work by CLA Empowers City Council 30 June 1994