Nick Patsaouras: The Planning Agenda for L.A. Mayor Riordan 30 July 1993
Burbank’s Bob Tague Shares Secrets of City’s Entrepreneurial Success 30 July 1993
Conservancy’s Amy Forbes Reflects on 15 Years of Preservation Advocacy 30 July 1993
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 July 1993
Michael Bodaken: L.A. Housing Advisor’s Exit Interview 30 July 1993
Child Care & Zoning: Kids Short-Changed by Cities 30 July 1993

Zev Yaroslavsky: Budget Crisis Looms for the New L.A. Mayor 30 June 1993
Subscribers Comment on Planning Issues in the L.A. Mayor’s Race 30 June 1993
MTA Board Member Larry Zarian: Corridor Planning Opportunities 30 June 1993
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 June 1993
Franklin White Brings No-Nonsense Management Style to MTA 30 June 1993
“Transit Villages”: Their Time Has Come 30 June 1993
Open Letter: Redefine “Social Planning” for 1990s 30 June 1993

Neil Peterson: TPR Exit Interview Offers Lessons for MTA’s Future 30 May 1993
CEQA: How Does New Amendment Square with Governor’s Proposals? 30 May 1993
California Redevelopment Assn.’ Bill Carlson Outlines CRA Reforms 30 May 1993
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 May 1993
Brad Sherman: State Tax Boards Shape Land Use 30 May 1993

Santa Monica Mtns. Conservancy: Edmiston’s Park Acquisition Goals 30 April 1993
Five Westside Planning Directors Explore the Planner’s Changing Role 30 April 1993
L.A. Mayoral Candidate Griego: Job Creation Key to City Revival 30 April 1993
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 April 1993
Whiteson: Land-Use Benefits of Rail Exaggerated 30 April 1993

California’s Economic Summit: A Question of Will & Leadership 30 March 1993
TPR Luncheon: Woo, Wachs & Panelists on Economic Renewal 30 March 1993
Joel Wachs: 100 Neighborhood Councils Would Help Govern L.A. 30 March 1993
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 March 1993
Speaker Brown’s California Economic Summit 30 March 1993
Ridley-Thomas: An Economic Vision for a New L.A.: 30 March 1993
L.A. Housing Policy: What Can Providers Expect? 30 March 1993
Walls Across Our City: The Gating of Los Angeles 30 March 1993

L.A. Mayoral Race: Non-Candidate Yaroslavsky Focuses the Debate 28 February 1993
California Real Estate Czar Dan Rosenfeld: A TPR Interview 28 February 1993
LA/CRA’s Economic Development Strategy: TPR Readers’ Reactions 28 February 1993
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 28 February 1993
Pollution Discharge Permitting: Planning Impacts 28 February 1993

Planning Trends of the City, State, and Region: 1992, a Year to Forget 30 January 1993
Inside Planning: Around the State and the Region 30 January 1993
TPR Interview: Mayoral Candidate Tom Houston Shares Planning Visions 30 January 1993
L.A. CRA’s 1993 Mission: To JumpStart Debate on Economic Revival 30 January 1993
Clean Air Act Sec. 176 (c) Gives SCAG a New Role: 30 January 1993
Councilwoman Picus Fights Aerial Transit for Valley 30 January 1993

Calif. Redevelopment Agencies in the 1990s: A TPR Discussion 30 December 1992
The Citywide General Plan Framework: A New Vision for Los Angeles? 30 December 1992
The L.A. Mayoral Election: What Should Be the Planning Agenda? 30 December 1992
Inside Planning: Around the State and the Region 30 December 1992
Congestion Management Program: Four Analyses 30 December 1992

Michael Woo’s Mayoral Agenda for L.A. Planning and Governing 30 November 1992
CEQA Update: Court Decisions Shed New Light on Land-Use Law 30 November 1992
Inside Planning: Around the State and the Region 30 November 1992
Effects of Budget Cuts on CRA’s Housing Programs 30 November 1992
RLA Co-Chair Offers Summary of Planning Goals 30 November 1992
RLA: Why is the San Fernando Valley Excluded? 30 November 1992
The CMP: What Changes Will It Bring to Local Land Use Policies? 30 November 1992

Point-Counterpoint: Watson and Burke Debate L.A. County Planning 30 October 1992
The Rebuild L.A. Process Six Months Later: TPR Readers Offer Proposals 30 October 1992
Joel Kotkin: Localities Should Focus Policies on Wealth Creation 30 October 1992
Inside Planning: Around the State and the Region 30 October 1992
Allan Alexander: Metro Rail Belongs on Wilshire 30 October 1992
The “Duchy” of L.A. Confronts a Brave New World 30 October 1992