State’s Housing Director Spells Relief: “Less Local Regulation” 30 September 1992
Ventura Blvd. Plan, at a Crossroads, Provides Insights on L.A. Planning 30 September 1992
Mayor Cole: Pasadena Offers Region a Model General Plan 30 September 1992
Inside Planning: Around the State and the Region 30 September 1992
Architect Michael Lehrer Comments on Patsaouras’ Proposals 30 September 1992
Katz: State Creates New Planning Trust Fund for L.A. 30 September 1992

DSPAC Leaders Offer Glimpse of Downtown Los Angeles’ Future 30 August 1992
SCAG’s Comprehensive Plan: Can Home-Grown Regionalism Succeed? 30 August 1992
Inside Planning: Around L.A. and the Region 30 August 1992
The Case for EER’s: Entitlement Evaluation Reports 30 August 1992
Bill Luddy: Exit Interview with L.A. Planning Commission Chair 30 August 1992

Point-Counterpoint: California Legislature’s State Growth Plan 30 July 1992
AQMD’s RECLAIM: Impact of Emissions Trading on Land Use 30 July 1992
TPR Interview: DWP President Mike Gage on Water and Growth 30 July 1992
Inside Planning: Around the Region and State 30 July 1992
DWP’s Water Offset Proposal for Development 30 July 1992
Lucas Case: U.S. Supreme Court Rules on “Total Takings” 30 July 1992
South Park Stakeholders Group Offers a New Vision 30 July 1992
Heal the Bay: Model Land Use Ordinance on Runoff 30 July 1992
New Growth Management Package: Call it “Economic Recovery” 30 July 1992

Rebuilding L.A. After the Riots: What’s Been Done So Far? 30 June 1992
Point-Counterpoint: Yaroslavsky and Ridley-Thomas Debate CRA 30 June 1992
Dan Garcia on the Zev/Ridley-Thomas CRA Point-Counterpoint 30 June 1992
Richard Weiss: L.A. City Charter Undermines Public Accountability 30 June 1992
TPR Roundtable: What Kind of L.A. Should We Be Rebuilding? 30 June 1992
Inside Planning: Around the Region and State 30 June 1992
An Open Letter to Peter Ueberroth by Michael Pittas: 30 June 1992
Gary Squier: A Housing Department Report Card 30 June 1992

TPR Interview: New L.A. Planning Director Con Howe Takes Charge 30 May 1992
School Board’s Mark Slavkin: An Open Letter to Con Howe 30 May 1992
Inside Planning: Around the Region and State 30 May 1992
Picus: Split L.A.’s Planning Commission Into Four 30 May 1992
Roundtable on Joy Picus’ Commission Proposal 30 May 1992
Antelope Valley Trends: Palmdale/Lancaster Prove Their Resilience 30 May 1992

Inside Planning: Around the Region and State 30 April 1992
Studio Expansions: What Are the Appropriate Regulatory Reactions? 30 April 1992
Bill Christopher: An Open Letter L.A.’s Con Howe 30 April 1992
Concluding Analysis: Economic Changes Bring New Land Use Realities 30 April 1992
L.A. Learns the ABCs of Bank CDCs 30 April 1992
Mark Ridley-Thomas: Bank CDCs Offer New Hope for Urban Vitality 30 April 1992

Leon Whiteson: An Open Letter to L.A.’s New Planning Director 30 March 1992
Does Warner Ridge Decision Mean a New Consistency Program? 30 March 1992
“Dirt Bond” Reforms: Treasurer Kathleen Brown’s Perspective 30 March 1992
Inside Planning: Around the Region and State 30 March 1992
ADA: New Civil Rights Law Will Affect Development 30 March 1992

Governor’s Office Offers Insights on Growth Management Proposals 28 February 1992
Howe Will He Do?: Reactions to Planning Director Appointment 28 February 1992
Point-Counterpoint: CRA and USC Square Off on Downtown’s Future 28 February 1992
Inside Planning: Around the Region and State 28 February 1992
Economic Questions Loom Large for Planning in ‘92 28 February 1992
Tooley: Opportunities in a Slow Market 28 February 1992

Patsaouras: Transit Superagency’s Impact on Region’s Development 30 January 1992
The Year in Review: Planning and Land Use Actions in 1991 30 January 1992
TPR Subscribers Share Their Expectations for the Year Ahead 30 January 1992
Inside Planning: Around the Region and State 30 January 1992
“Safety Net” Financing Can Fill Housing Gaps 30 January 1992

Mixed-Use: Maguire Thomas Recounts Obstacles and Challenges 30 December 1991
Inside Planning: Around the Region and State 30 December 1991
Roundtable: Housing Development Through the Eyes of Nonprofits 30 December 1991
TPR Breakfast Panel, Development Fees: Have They Preceded the Vision? 30 December 1991
USC’s Kreditor Comments on Housing Fees 30 December 1991
L.A. Coliseum Renovation Process Unites Developer, Preservationists 30 December 1991
Another Reorganization: the Los Angeles CRA 30 December 1991