MCA/Universal Studios Expansion: A TPR Point/Counterpoint 30 September 1997
Anaheim Offers a Proactive Model for Dealing with ‘Blight’ 30 September 1997
Inside Planning: Playa Vista Update and more! 30 September 1997
The Potential of Historic El Pueblo: A Candid Prognosis 30 September 1997
Brookings: New Urban Center’s Focus is Metropolitanism 30 September 1997
LA.’s Arena Seriously Debated: Wachs vs. Semcken 30 September 1997

Los Angeles Charter Reform: The Opportunities and Obstacles Ahead 30 August 1997
Positioning a Great City to be the Architect of its Own Future: Mayor Beverly O’Neil 30 August 1997
Inside Planning: Inglewood Theaters Approved, Section 8 Contracts, and more! 30 August 1997
Marvin Braude: A TPR Exit Interview with an Honest Man 30 August 1997
State Legislature Warms to a Proactive Environmental Agenda 30 August 1997
Congresswoman Roybal-Allard: Regional Value of a Civic Center 30 August 1997

In Lieu of Statewide Growth Management A Livable Communities Movement Evolves 30 July 1997
Inside Planning: School Facilities Finance Update, Pacific Pipeline Construction Begins, and more! 30 July 1997
TreePeople’s Andy Lipkis Wants to Use Urban Forestry to Save L.A. 30 July 1997
Affordable Housing: TPR Exit Interview—LAHD’s Gary Squier 30 July 1997
A “New NFL Approved-Coliseum” in Exposition Park—Just Maybe! 30 July 1997

Inside Planning: Ridley-Thomas Calls for CRA-LAHD Review, Board Approves Glendale Plaza and more! 30 June 1997
Westside Urban Forum—Transportation & Quality of Life 30 June 1997
Rep. Lazio’s Proposal to End Public Housing as We Know It—Critiqued 30 June 1997
Santa Monica’s Mayor on Urban Planning & Historic Preservation 30 June 1997

Five Years Later in Los Angeles: TPR Readers Reflect on April 1992 & 1997 30 May 1997
Inside Planning: DTLA—“Yes” on BID, Marina Del Rey Redevelopment, and more! 30 May 1997
Los Angeles’ Two Park Bonds: An Update From “Mother Park” 30 May 1997
Century Housing’s Kingston Rebuts Hall’s Criticism of Privatization 30 May 1997
An Affordable Housing Roundtable: Assessing TCAC & “Uncertainty” 30 May 1997

Antonia Hernandez: Arguably TPR’s Last L.A. Mayoral Platform for 1997 30 April 1997
Inside Planning: TCAC Update, L.A. City Office Consolidation and more! 30 April 1997
Demand for Cellular & Pager Service Raise Land Use & Livability Concerns 30 April 1997
LAX, Land-use & The 1st Amendment: Hey Can You Spare a $? 30 April 1997
Century Housing’s Changing Goals: The Perils of Privatization 30 April 1997

TPR’s L.A. Mayoral Platform Series: Ruth Galanter on What Could Be! 30 March 1997
A Conversation about Priorities with L.A. City Councilman Mike Feuer 30 March 1997
Inside Planning: New CRA Area, OCTA vs. SCAG, and more 30 March 1997
Doing Business in Los Angeles: Kosmont’s Advise to Tax Collectors 30 March 1997
AIA Elects/Elevates Eight from L.A. to FAIA 30 March 1997
Mixed-Use Development in L.A.: More a Wish than a Reality 30 March 1997

Carol Levy and Arnold Steinberg: TPR’s Mayoral Platform Series 28 February 1997
Inside Planning: Mixed-use High School Contract Attacked, L.A. River, and more! 28 February 1997
L.A.’s Premier Citizen Parks Leader Grapples with Arena, Harbor, Etc. 28 February 1997
Forum: Westside City Planning Directors on Developments in 1997 28 February 1997
Catellus’ Ira Yellin Contends with Downtown’s Civic Center Potential 28 February 1997

TPR’s Mayoral Platform Series: Sen. Hayden & Coro’s Tharp 30 January 1997
Don Knabe, LA County’s Newest Supervisor, On Coastal Development & Local Control 30 January 1997
HUD’s Henry Cisneros Sums Up His Reign… “Leave No One Behind, Extend Opportunity To All” 30 January 1997
MCA/Universal vs. Studio City Residents At Issue: Studio Expansion or New Theme Park? 30 January 1997
Inside Planning: Rebuild L.A, Budget comparison, and more! 30 January 1997
Monica Lozano: TPR’s L.A. Mayoral Platform Series 30 January 1997
Suburban Development: The Endless Debate Over Sprawl Continues 30 January 1997
An Affordable Housing Roundtable: Assessing 1997’s Limited Agenda 30 January 1997

To The Next Mayor of Los Angeles: A Mayoral Platform for the 21st Century 30 December 1996
Inside Planning: Interpreting Prop. 218, L.A. Earthquake Zoning, and more! 30 December 1996
Calif’s Center for Land Recycling: ‘Brownfields’ & Realistic Idealism! 30 December 1996
L.A. Planning Trends: Infrastructure Underlies Planning & Growth 30 December 1996
Gazing into Orange County’s Crystal Ball with Irvine’s Gary Hunt 30 December 1996