A New Voice: Richard Alarcón on San Fernando Valley Planning 30 May 1994
TPR Roundtable: Riordan Merger of Housing Agencies Assessed 30 May 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 May 1994
Will LA/CRA Be Reinvented or Renamed? 30 May 1994

Anthony Zamora: LA’s Planning Agenda Candidly Assessed 30 April 1994
Edge Cities Offer Lessons on Revitalizing Downtowns 30 April 1994
A River Parkway for Los Angeles: An Urban Corridor of Untapped Opportunity 30 April 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 April 1994
The Vermont & 80th Street Development Dilemma 30 April 1994
Concluding Commentary: Unsolicited Advice on Permit Streamlining 30 April 1994

Mayor Abdo: Earthquake Inspires New Consensus in Santa Monica 30 March 1994
Affordable Housing: Leverage Financing Game Needs Revisiting 30 March 1994
UCLA Grad School Reorganization Mimics Reality 30 March 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 March 1994
Affordable Single-Family Housing: A Solution 30 March 1994

TPR Readers Assess Region’s Post-Quake Priorities 28 February 1994
Los Angeles Post Quake: Searching For Community Identity 28 February 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 28 February 1994
Westside Urban Forum – Westside Mayors Address Quake, Traffic and Rebuilding Issues 28 February 1994
1994 CEQA Update: New Provisions, New Case Law 28 February 1994
Legal, Financial Obstacles to Rebuilding L.A.’s Housing Stock 28 February 1994

National Housing Trust Lobbies for Affordable Housing Policies 30 January 1994
Kingston: Century Freeway Housing Agenda for ‘94 30 January 1994
Tom Carroll: Jump-Starting Revitalization of Westwood Village 30 January 1994
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 January 1994
Update: L.A. General Plan Framework Project 30 January 1994

Laura Chick: Redefining the L.A. Planning and Land-Use Process 30 December 1993
Density/Parking Nexus Issues Unresolved 30 December 1993
HUD Housing Prepayment Risk Compels Tenants to Organize 30 December 1993
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 December 1993
L.A. Citywide General Plan Framework Update 30 December 1993
SCAG: Draft Regional Comprehensive Plan Released 30 December 1993

Santa Monica’s Sustainable City Program: The Need for an Urban Development Model 30 November 1993
Universal’s CityWalk: Redefining Urban Design 30 November 1993
Letter to the Editor: A Labyrinthine Solution to Air Pollution and Traffic Congestion 30 November 1993
Insider Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 November 1993
L.A. Community Redevelopment: What Could Be Done? 30 November 1993
Proposed EPA Reg’s Subject Public and Private Projects to New Hurdles 30 November 1993

Deputy Mayor Rae James Assesses Community Development Strategies 30 October 1993
Traffic Congestion: Deficiency Plan To Be adopted by County in November 30 October 1993
Affordable Housing: An Evolving Debate on “Doing More with Less” 30 October 1993
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 October 1993
West Hollywood: Lessons in Small City Streamlining 30 October 1993

MTA Budget Passed: Valley Deferred, Pasadena Funded 30 September 1993
Park La Brea Project Sails Thru City Hall: How & Why? 30 September 1993
TPR Readers Advise Mayor Riordan on Priorities for L.A.’s Planning 30 September 1993
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 September 1993
Housing Advocate Conflicted Over Library Sale Lease-Back 30 September 1993
Cities Reinvent Community Development Departments 30 September 1993

State Real Estate Czar Rosenfeld Unveils Office Consolidation Agenda 30 August 1993
Support for Public Sector Housing: A Squier, Hall Forecast 30 August 1993
CRA’s Ed Avila Continues to Redefine L.A. Agency’s Central Mission 30 August 1993
Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region 30 August 1993
Community Empowerment: Lip Service or Savior? 30 August 1993