A TPR Housing Roundtable: Is It Correct to Say "Crisis"? 24 February 2000
Infill Housing In The Inner City: A New "Emerging Market" 24 February 2000
A Private Sector Fish In Public Sector Waters: New L.A. CRA Administrator Jerry Scharlin 24 February 2000
A Tale Of Two Reform Efforts: What Lessons Can Pasadena Teach LAUSD? 24 February 2000
Don't Let Belmont Kill School Bond Reform: Sen. O'Connell Maks The Case For Prop. 26 24 February 2000
Will 21st Century Begin With Gov't Reform? Commission of Local Governance Issues Report 24 February 2000

The Future Of Our Urban Centers: A Joel Kotkin Essay 6 January 2000
How To Build 150 Primary Centers: A Private Sector Approach 6 January 2000
Is Development On Chinatown's Cornfield A Civil Rights Issue? 6 January 2000
Los Angeles In Then Next Millennium: Leon Whiteson Debunks The Visionaries 6 January 2000
California's State Parks Have A New Champion: A Vision Summit & Master Plan Are Being Promoted 6 January 2000
Interim CRA Admin. Jerry Scharlin Lays Out A Vision; But Will He Get To Implement It? 6 January 2000
An Ambitious Strategic City Plan: Long Beach Envisions Its Future 6 January 2000

L.A. City’s Business Team Confronts Municipal Competition Head-On 30 April 1998
Regent Properties: In the Business of Developing Urban Destinations 30 April 1998
California’s Oldest RDA Turns Fifty: L.A. City’s Community Redevelopment Agency 30 April 1998
Inside Planning: Staples Center Breaks Ground, L.A. City Hall Rehab, and more! 30 April 1998
LISC: An Institution Lending Money and Lending Hope 30 April 1998

LAUSD’s Challenge: Not Whether to Fix Its Schools, But How—Under Prop. BB 30 March 1998
Inside Planning: Chula Vista Big-Box Subsidy Denied, Torlakson vs Big-Box Subsidies, and more! 30 March 1998
Glendale’s Redevelopment Agency Agenda Deftly Managed 30 March 1998
USC Architectural Guild’s Parkinson Award to Ira Yellin 30 March 1998
Mtn. Conservancy’s Edmiston Bemoans So Cal’s Political Anemia 30 March 1998

The Virtues of Restoring L.A. City Hall are Extolled by Santa Monica’s Mayor Pro Tem 28 February 1998
Inside Planning: McKinley Building to be Demolished, Playa Vista Bonds, and more! 28 February 1998
The Calif. Speaker’s Consigliere: Assemblyman Robert Hertzberg 28 February 1998
Land-use Principles to Guide Los Angeles City Charter Reform 28 February 1998
Playa Vista’s New CEO Confronts Environmentalists & DreamWorks 28 February 1998

TPR Reader Response: Reply to Linda Dishman 30 January 1998
Inside Planning: Education and Infrastructure Top Wilson’s 1998 Agenda and more! 30 January 1998
The Taylor Yard Fiasco: FoLAR’s Lewis MacAdams’ Protest 30 January 1998
Who’s Buying Housing in California? UCLA Finds its Hispanics 30 January 1998
Santa Clarita’s Experience: Managing A Decade-Old ‘New City’ 30 January 1998

OliverMcMillan’s New Urbanist Agenda for Long Beach and Southern California 30 December 1997
Inside Planning: California ARB’s New Smog Proposals and more! 30 December 1997
Under Secretary of State Eizenstat on New Kyoto Climate Protocol 30 December 1997
Conservancy’s Latest Crusade: Preserving the McKinley Building 30 December 1997
Jerry Brown’s Nightmare: Blakely Runs for Oakland’s Mayor 30 December 1997

Long Beach’s Robert Paternoster: A Queensway Bay Status Report 30 November 1997
Inside Planning 30 November 1997
Brookings Agenda for their Metropolitan & Urban Policy Center 30 November 1997
USC’s Dean Timme On Potential of Figueroa Corridor & Expo Park 30 November 1997
LA County’s Newest Planning Commissioner: A Pragmatic Enviro 30 November 1997

LA CRA’s John Molloy: A Candid Review of the Redevelopment Agency’s Agenda & Capacity 30 October 1997
Joint Venture Silicon Valley: Implementing a Regional Vision 30 October 1997
Doug Gardner: Leaving Playa Vista for Opportunities at Catellus 30 October 1997
Santa Monica’s Housing Manager: What is Possible when Housing is a Priority! 30 October 1997
Inside Planning: Playa Vista Update, Crystal Cove Resort, and more! 30 October 1997
Mary Nichols: Exiting EPA for Environment Now & Los Angeles 30 October 1997