Light Rail on Santa Monica Right-of-Way: A Point/Counterpoint 30 January 1990
New Deputy Mayor Edward Avila: Increased Responsibilities 30 January 1990
Regional Mobility Plan: Attempts to Return to Traffic Levels of 1984 30 January 1990

The Federal View: Affordable Housing for Low and Moderate Incomes 30 December 1989
John Tuite, CRA Administrator in the Spotlight 30 December 1989
The Creative City: Uncertainty Abounds in West Hollywood 30 December 1989
The Year in Review: 1989 Was An Active Time in the Field of Land-Use Regulation 30 December 1989

The Central City West Specific Plan: What It Means for Los Angeles 30 November 1989
Nate Holden's Moratorium: Aberration or Precedent? 30 November 1989
The Housing Linkage Fee: Point/Counterpoint Debated by Experts 30 November 1989
Councilman Hal Bernson Defends Porter Ranch, Proposes Bond Issue, Wants No More ICO’s 30 November 1989

AB 3180 To Monitor Compliance: A Policy for Developers’ Promises 30 October 1989
It’s About Time: Los Angeles Needs Design Review for Project Approval 30 October 1989
Sewer Hook-Up: Prelude to Future Growth Management 30 October 1989
James Hartl, Director of Planning for L.A. County: On Growth, Development, and Simplifying the Process 30 October 1989
“The River Model” Analogy of Freeways: Dense Transportation Tributaries 30 October 1989

A Word From the Publisher 30 September 1989
Retain the Current $750 Million Cap on Tax Increment Spending by CRA 30 September 1989
Development Projects and EIR’s: How Far will the City of L.A. Go? 30 September 1989
Housing Remedies in the Region: Two Case Studies 30 September 1989
Report From the AIA Urban Design Committee 30 September 1989

Politics of Planning and Growth: Cooperation or Conflict Among Us? 30 August 1989
Watts Next: Growth and Development Opportunities in Watts 30 August 1989
Mayor's Office Housing Initiatives 30 August 1989
Councilwoman Gloria Molina: On the City Council, Mayoral Relations, Housing, and Redevelopment 30 August 1989
LAX Northside: Design and Development Guidelines for New Business, Commercial Center 30 August 1989
The Public Facility Zone Ordinance: What It Means From the Perspective of a Public Agency 30 August 1989

It Takes Two to Make a Deal: Los Angeles County’s Perspective 30 June 1989
On the Horizon: Focus on Los Angeles County 30 June 1989
Insider Planning June 1989 30 June 1989
The County's Money Maker: Its Asset Development Program 30 June 1989
What is Regional Planning? The Planning Report’s Discussion with Clinton Ternstrom, Chairman of the Regional Planning Commission 30 June 1989

The Trip Equity Plan: A New Model Linking Planning & Transportation 30 May 1989
TPR May 1989 - Full Issue 30 May 1989
Councilman Michael Woo: Land Use Planning After the Voters Have Spoken 30 May 1989
Insider Planning May 1989 30 May 1989
Mayor's Group Studies Mixed-Use Policy and its Implementation 30 May 1989
Asset Management: School District’s Approach to Develop Revenue, Undertake Joint Ventures 30 May 1989
The Politics of Land Use Planning or… What I Say on the Campaign Trail 30 May 1989

L.A.U.S.D.: What to Do, Where to Build? 30 April 1989
Insider Planning April 1989 30 April 1989
‘Tis An Ill Wind, A Creative Response: The Transfer of Development Rights 30 April 1989
The Air Quality Plan: What it Means for Land-Use Planning 30 April 1989
Los Angeles' Design Action Planning Teams 30 April 1989
TPR April 1989 - Full Issue 30 April 1989
Urban Design Meets the Planning Commission: The Planning Report’s Conversation with William Christopher, a recent appointee to the Commission 30 April 1989

What's Next For Housing? Focus Shifts to the City Council 28 February 1989
The Legalization of Citizens 28 February 1989
Do People Make A Difference? The Planning Report’s Conversation with William Luddy, the new President of the Planning Commission 28 February 1989
Unfinished Business: What We Must Do To Face the Future of Los Angeles Squarely 28 February 1989
The Hillside Restrictions: A Case Study of the New Planning Commission 28 February 1989
Insider Planning February 1989 28 February 1989
TPR February 1989 - Full Issue 28 February 1989