Los Angeles Planning Director Vince Bertoni reflects on the TOC program's early success and the future of urban design, mobility, and affordable housing in LA.
To unpack the impacts of SB 827 on housing affordability and transit goals, TPR turned to Denny Zane of Move LA and Cynthia Strathmann of Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE).
Speaking at a recent town hall event in Los Angeles, Sen. Wiener (San Francisco) explained the rationale for SB 827 as he prepares to advance the bill in the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee in April.
Los Angeles City Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson discusses how the new South LA community plans guide the opportunity for equitable transit-oriented development and his vision for increasing access to city services and jobs.
After five years running the California High Speed Rail Authority, Morales has managed to oversee the beginning construction of the rail line in the Central Valley. Despite constant efforts from the Legislature and lawsuits, he has kept the project on track to soon provide Californians with more opportunities.
A veteran of Southern California planning, Bruckner shared some of the lessons learned over his 40 year career that included working on the growth of transit-oriented development, historic preservation, and the state-of-the-art general plan for unincorporated LA County.
Former Mayor Murphy shares stories of how he shaped Pittsburgh through strong partnerships, investing in the city's future, and through thinking about how to create a new generation of jobs.