
June 25, 2018

Carla Peterman on CPUC’s Vote to Invest in EV Charging Infrastructure

After the California Public Utilities Commission unanimously approved investing $768 million for electric vehicle charging stations, TPR sat down with Commissioner Carla Peterman.

May 19, 2016

Value of Optimizing Data for Water Management: A WaterSmart Approach

Robin Gilthorpe, CEO of WaterSmart Software, seeks to improve water-use and operational efficiency for municipal and investor-owned water utilities globally by using utility meter data to better communicate with residential customers.

August 7, 2015

New York State's 'Energy Czar’ Richard Kauffman Re-Envisioning Industry

Richard Kauffman shares how New York State is reforming regulations, as well as "changing the paradigm" of how government supports renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.

April 3, 2013

VX2013: The Smart Grid - Real or Hype? (Part II)

James Kelly, Doug Kim, Osamu Onodera, and Panama Bartholomy discuss the development of a smart grid at the VerdeXchange VX2013 Conference in February. This is part two of a series also featuring Mike Montoya of Southern California Edison.

February 26, 2012

Ron Nichols at VX2012: LADWP Must Meet Renewable Obligations

Ron Nichols, General Manager of the LADPW, at the fifth VerdeXchange Conference offers remarks on the challenges the utility faces in reaching renewable energy goals and mandates. Rates will climb, and the Nichols is certain that the LADWP can reach the 33 percent renewables requirement.

October 7, 2011

The Future of Utility-Scale Renewable Energy in California

From the CleanTech OC 2011 Annual Conference and Expo comes this conversation between Marcie Edwards, Michael Peevey, Tim Olson, Stephen Mullenix, and Guy Blanchard on renewable utilities in California. The panelists focus on whether the regulatory bodies create certainty or ambiguity in the California renewables market.

October 7, 2011

German Solar Entrepreneurs Assess California

Boris von Bormann, Wade Webb, Brade Meikle, Tom Buttgenbach, Rugerro Schleicher-Tappeser, and Boris Schubert explore the state of the solar industry today. How are development projects changing as solar PV becomes more competitive? What should experienced entrepreneurs from Europe understand about the California market and development process? Permitting delays, in particular, make California a difficult place for new solar PV developments. Innovative business models, however, are creating opportunities.

May 24, 2007

Riverside Public Utilities Meets Ambitious Green Goals-And Strives for More

With a coordinated effort between the utilities agency and the municipal government, the city of Riverside is fighting climate change on many fronts.



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