July 22, 2014

Bernstein on Community Planning Slow-Down and TOD Progress

Ken Bernstein updates readers on the city’s community planning process, TOD efforts, Mobility Plan 2035, and Plan for a Healthy Los Angeles—part two of two.

December 17, 2013

‘One Sante Fe’ Will Anchor Eastern Edge of LA Arts District

Bill McGregor discusses One Santa Fe, a mixed-use development under construction in the Downtown Arts District.

November 8, 2013

Santa Monica's Terry O'Day Discusses Electric Vehicles and Transit-Oriented Development

Santa Monica Mayor Pro Tempore Terry O’Day discusses electric vehicles and NRG eVgo with TPR.

September 19, 2013

LA City Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell Tackles LA River, Supports Hollywood's Millennium Project

TPR interviewed Mitch O'Farrell, the new councilmember for LA's 13th District, to discuss development, transportation, and the possibilities for a revitalized LA River.

February 19, 2013

TOD for Dummies: Allan Kotin Simplifies Transit-Adjacent Real Estate Development

Allan Kotin of Allan D. Kotin and Associates outlines the short-term decisions that can lead to substantial long-term returns on transit-oriented development in remarks delivered at the US High Speed Rail Conference in Downtown Los Angeles.

November 1, 2012

LABC’s Mayoral Housing Transportation Summit Addresses Post-Redevelopment, Where We Go Next

TPR presents the following excerpts from the Los Angeles Business Council Mayoral Housing, Transportation, and Jobs Summit panel, Housing Plus Along Transit Corridors, moderated by Dan Rosenfeld and featuring Tony Salazar, President of West Coast Operations, McCormack Baron Salazar Inc., California Assemblymember Mike Feuer, and Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles President and CEO Doug Guthrie. 

November 1, 2012

Financing Strategy for Aligning Transit and Real Estate - TODs

Excerpts from an article, Aligning Transit and Real Estate: An Integrated Financial Strategy, by Will Fleissig of Communitas Development Inc. and Ian Carlton of the University of California, Berkeley.

October 30, 2012

Leinberger and Becker Hail Smart Growth at Rail~Volution Conference

Chris Leinberger, President of LOCUS, and Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker, address transit-oriented development and smart growth from the perspectives of a real estate developer and a politician.

October 4, 2012

Sheppard Mullin Hosts CEQA Briefing: SB 226 Guildlines Now Under Review by Governor

After Sheppard Mullin hosted a breakfast on the latest CEQA developments, Alfred Fraijo Jr., a partner at the firm, explains to The Planning Report how actions in the Legislature and in the Courts are creating opportunities for developers.

November 4, 2011

Millennium Project Will Reanimate Hollywood & Vine

Philip Aarons tells us about the Capitol Records Tower development at Hollywood and Vine by his firm, Millennium Partners. How can a developers push density in Los Angeles? What's exciting about urbanism in Hollywood?



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