
February 12, 2014

LA County Public Works’ Pat Proano on Innovative Approaches to Managing Waste

Pat Proano, Assistant Deputy Director of the Environmental Programs Division at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, spoke with TPR about strategies for meeting AB 341’s mandate to recycle 75 percent of trash in LA County.

November 29, 2016

Orange County Water District Leads On Recycling & Groundwater Management

Mike Markus, a 25-year veteran of the Orange County Water District, on the board's visionary leadership on water reuse in Southern California.

November 29, 2016

The Role of Water Data in California’s Conservation Efforts

In the first of a two-part TPR interview, Felicia Marcus discusses using publicly available data to support creative solutions to California’s water challenges.

September 22, 2016

California Legislature’s 2016 Session Accomplishments Assessed by State Senator Hertzberg

State Sen. Robert Hertzberg joins TPR to share his views on the recently concluded two-year legislative cycle, including discussing his goals for stabilizing the state's volatile economy and water security in upcoming sessions.

April 14, 2016

Bay Foundation Successfully Addressing Troubled Coastal Waters

Tom Ford explains how wastewater emptying into the Santa Monica Bay could instead become a resource and updates TPR on efforts to restore the Ballona Wetlands.

October 29, 2015

MWD Collaborating on Launch of Ambitious Waste-Water Recycling Program

Jeff Kightlinger updates readers on a demonstration project that could lead to one of the largest recycled-water projects on the West Coast.

August 12, 2015

NACWA's New President Adel Hagekhalil Champions ‘One Water'

Hagekhalil provides an update on City of LA wastewater and storm water projects, calling for the breakdown of bureaucratic silos in managing the resource.

May 8, 2013

Jack Baylis Discusses Water and Transitioning to ‘The Baylis Group’

Jack Baylis speaks to TPR as he leaves his position at The Shaw Group to form a new company, The Baylis Group, which will maintain a focus on water.


© 2025 The Planning Report | David Abel, Publisher, ABL, Inc.