Randall Winston

April 16, 2024

Randall Winston on LA’s Opportunities to Transform Its Infrastructure

Amidst a flurry of bills, executive orders, and local measures reshaping the housing narrative in California and Los Angeles, assessing the true impact of these legislative endeavors remains a challenge. At a recent Curbivore event, Randall Winston, Deputy Mayor of Infrastructure for Los Angeles, spoke to the attendees hoping to shed light on the ongoing discourse surrounding LA’s housing landscape and the incoming Capital Infrastructure Plan. TPR shares here the full address given by Winston, in which he discusses the implications of Executive Directive 1, the supply-demand paradox facing California, and UCLA's recent acquisition of the Westside Pavilion shopping mall.

March 21, 2018

Watts Jordan Downs Village Awarded $35 Mil from California Strategic Growth Council

HACLA CEO Doug Guthrie shares how the collaborative Watts Rising team to successfully win the Transformative Climate Communities grant for the Jordan Downs Urban Village.

February 21, 2017

New Strategic Growth Council Program Funds Catalytic, Neighborhood-Level Transformational Projects

SGC Executive Director Randall Winston provides insights to the new Transformational Climate Communities initiative, which is currently engaging stakeholders on its program guidelines.


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