
September 13, 2022

Cleaning Up Goods Movement Amidst Unprecedented Reconfiguration Of The Supply Chain—The Ports/710 Corridor: VX 2022 Panel

TPR shares this panel excerpt from VX2022 moderated by S&C Electric’s Jim Kelly, in which Port of Long Beach Executive Director, Mario Cordero, Port of LA’s David Libatique, CARB boardmember, Hector De La Torre, and Toyota Motor North America R&D’s Tak Yokoo, assess the challenges and opportunities for scaling zero-emissions technologies and improving air quality at the San Pedro Bay Ports.

August 16, 2022

TPR Exit Interview with Greg Spotts—StreetsLA’s CSO & Executive Officer

TPR is pleased to present this exit interview with Greg Spotts as he leaves StreetsLA in September to become the new Director of the Seattle Department of Transportation.

August 16, 2022

Move LA’s new Executive Director Eli Lipmen on Prop 30’s Promise

TPR interviewed Move LA’s new executive director, Eli Lipmen, to elaborate on Prop 30 would leverage anticipated federal infrastructure investments and EV tax incentives included in the Inflation Reduction Act to accelerate and scale deployment of zero-emissions transportation throughout California.

August 16, 2022

VX 2022 Panel – Assessing The Berkeley Case’s Impact on CEQA Law

Two CEQA experts, Doug Carstens, President of the Planning & Conservation League, and Jennifer Hernandez, Holland & Knight, have a lively exchange, moderated by Kevin James, former President of the LA City Board of Public Works, on the outcome of the Berkeley CEQA case and what it might mean for the future of environmental review in California.

June 28, 2022

ARLA’s Andy Lipkis: The Value of Investing in Water Capture, ReUse, and Urban Watersheds to Address Climate Emergencies

In examining ways for the Los Angeles region to be more resilient and smart about our water use, TPR interviewed the Founder and Project Executive of Accelerate Resilience LA (ARLA), Andy Lipkis, regarding his life long quest to induce governments and individuals to adopt and invest in stormwater capture and other sustainable practices.

June 28, 2022

Transformative Capital Improvements Underway at LAX: LAWA’s Samantha Bricker

TPR spoke with Samantha Bricker, Los Angeles World Airport’s Chief Sustainability and Revenue Management Officer, about the numerous (ongoing and future) capital, operational, and workforce investments that she presently oversees.

June 28, 2022

Getting Small & Minority-Owned Firms Government Contracts with Ingrid Merriwether

In this interview with TPR, Ingrid Merriwether, the President and CEO of Merriwether & Williams, discusses her firm’s role in implementing the Los Angeles Contractor Development and Bonding Program to lift up small and minority-owned businesses to be awarded government contracts they otherwise might not be able to receive.

June 28, 2022

LA City Council Approves $11.8 Billion 2022-23 Budget – Councilmember Paul Krekorian On His & City’s Priorities

LA City Council approved an $11.8 billion budget for 2022-23. To elaborate on the latter and on ongoing Valley projects and City initiatives, TPR spoke at length with the Chair of Council’s Budget Committee, L.A. Councilmember Paul Krekorian.

May 19, 2022

Marta Segura: LA City’s First Climate Emergency Mobilization Director

TPR interviewed CEMO Director Marta Segura, a longtime environmental justice advocate who has spent decades designing programs and social change campaigns to address inequities and health gaps in communities across Los Angeles.

May 18, 2022

Jerry Meral on The Potential for CEQA Reform Post-UC Berkeley Case

TPR turned to an expert in the field, Jerry Meral, to opine on the outcome of the Berkeley case and what is next in store for CEQA.



© 2025 The Planning Report | David Abel, Publisher, ABL, Inc.