Dec/Jan 2009

February 2, 2009

American Society of Civil Engineers: 2009 Report Card for America's Infrastructure

With the federal stimulus package passed in the House and headed to the Senate, the ASCE delivers an average grade of D

February 2, 2009

Prof. Sperling's Two Billion Cars Offers Strategies to Reduce Car Dependence

The author of Caliornia's Low Carbon Fuel Standard has written a book aiming to pave the way for a sustainable transportation system.

February 2, 2009

Congressman Blumenauer Discusses Evolving Federal Climate Change, Infrastructure Policy

California's influence, due to legislation like AB 32 and AB 1493, can be felt in the changes being enacted in Washington in the early stages of the Obama Administration.

February 2, 2009

USC SPPD Panel Explores How Healthy Cities Should Be Planned & Built

USC SPPD Professor Dowell Myers and Randall Lewis, executive VP of the Lewis Groupo of Companies, discuss the multi-sector, holistic approach neeeded to build healthier communities.

February 2, 2009

Ground Zero: Riverside Mayor Ron Loveridge On Inland Empire's Home Foreclosure Challenge

The city of Riverside is looking to sustainability intiatives to redefine the economy of the Inland Empire during troubled times.

February 2, 2009

CLCV's David Allgood: SB 375 Will Help Reverse CA's Sprawl

The California League of Conservation Voters had a strong hand in the crafting of SB 375 and are clearly pleased with the results.

February 2, 2009

CA's AB 32 Scoping Plan Nation's First Comprehensive Carbon Plan

CARB Chair Mary Nichols describes the scope of the AB 32 Scoping Plan, enacted last month by CARB; the plan will impact every sector of the state's economy.


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