
March 31, 2004

Councilman Weiss Opines On Homeland Security And L.A.'s Cable Franchise Renewal Process

Jack Weiss, Los Angeles City Councilmember, addresses the state of homeland security preparedness in the Los Angeles area as well as the ongoing process to renew cable television franchises in L.A.

December 16, 2003

Great Valley Center's Carol Whiteside Opines On Growth Strategies For The Central Valley

Carol Whiteside, President of the Great Valley Center, explains the unique challenges facing California's Central Valley as it grows at a record pace.

December 16, 2003

CCRL's Nick Bollman Assesses AB 857 Impact on Planning

Nick Bollman addresses the promise and potential of AB 857 on planning in California.

January 1, 2002

Dan Garcia On: LAX, City Planning, Development & Leadership

Garcia draws on his considerable experience serving on the Planning Commission, CRA Board and Airport Commission.



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