climate adaptation

March 1, 2017

Resiliency & Climate Adaptation Case Study: How Communities Are Mobilizing With Bipartisan Support To Save South Louisiana

Concordia's Steven Bingler explains his efforts to protect Southern Louisiana communities at-risk from sea-level rise, with a HUD Natural Disaster Resilience Competition grant.

February 28, 2017

Gov. Brown Prioritizes California’s Water and Transportation Infrastructure Spending

At a recent press conference, Governor Brown said that Californians need to "belly up to the bar and start spending money" to fund resilient, climate-smart water, transportation, and energy infrastructure.

October 24, 2016

Sen. Bob Wieckowski Successfully Integrating Climate Adaptation Into California Law and Planning

State Sen. Wieckowski opines on his SB 246's work to improve statewide resiliency coordination, as well as other accomplishments as Chair of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee.

August 17, 2016

Climate Change Impacts on California's Water Supply Require MWD to Prioritize Differently

TPR checks in with Metropolitan Water District of Southern California General Manager Jeff Kightlinger on how water management continues to evolve in response to climate change and drought.

June 29, 2016

The ‘Place’ of Water in Urban Design: ARUP's Vincent Lee

Vincent Lee describes the role of water in a number of global cities, and provides context for how Los Angeles can utilize its natural resources.

June 1, 2011

Adaptation to Climate Change: California Confronts Nature's Fate

USC Prof. Dan Mazmanian recently served as the executive director of the Task Force on California's Adaptation to Climate Change.



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