December 4, 2014

SoCalGas Plans to Decarbonize the Pipeline—Part Two

George Minter discusses SoCalGas’s efforts to lower the carbon content of natural gas supply.

September 4, 2014

CARB’s Mary Nichols: Fuel Inclusion in Cap & Trade a Necessary Step

Mary Nichols provides an update on cap and trade, CARB's Clean Vehicle Rebate Project, the role of natural gas, and other nations' experiences putting a price on carbon.

August 6, 2013

Mary Nichols: California Collaborating With Australia on Pricing Carbon Emissions

CARB Chair Mary Nichols links California carbon regulation and policy with Australia.

April 5, 2013

Climate Action Reserve’s Gary Gero: Navigating the American Carbon Market

Gary Gero, President of Climate Action Reserve, discusses his organization's work drafting carbon offset protocols for the California Air Resources Board's cap-and-trade program.

May 31, 2012

What Has California’s Air Board Been Doing? Dan Sperling Connects the Actions Together

Dan Sperling, Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Irvine and member of the California Air Resources Board describes California’s two-sided approach to reducing greenhouse gases through zero-emissions vehicles at the 26th International Electric Vehicle Symposium.

February 1, 2012

California’s Cap and Trade Fuels a Carbon Market

James Goldstene, Executive Officer of the California Air Resources Board, and Robert Owen-Jones, Australian Government, discuss the states of the carbon markets today and how they will develop in the coming years as incentives mature and prices shift freely.



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