Mini-Malls; Permanent Sewer Hook-Up Ordinance; Transfer of Air Rights; Child Care Ordinance; Limiting the Maximum Square Footage; Floor-to-Area Ratio; Mayor's Blue Ribbon Committee on Affordable Housing; Linkage Program; and more.
Russ Building Partnership v. City and County of San Francisco, 44 Cal.3d 839 (1988) and Government Code Sections 66000 - 66003 establish new development fees.
Reduction at the Pavilion; Slow Growth in Highland Park; Fact or Fiction?: The Mini-Mall Moratorium; New Hotel on the Block, and City is Sued; Wasn't the Supreme Court Supposed to be Conservative?; Downtown, Brentwood-Style; and Council Approves all 27 Stories
The Urban Design Advisory Coalition provides a case study on Central City West Associates' goal of developing specific plans for a 150 acre area of mixed-use development in West Los Angeles.