July 07

July 30, 2007

LANLT Builds and Manages Parks for L.A.'s Underserved Neighborhoods

Glen Dake discusses the mission and projects of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust.

July 30, 2007

Santa Clarita Expanding Boundaries, ‘Valley of Villages' Planning Scheme

With a number of annexation processes underway, Santa Clarita looks to grow according to smart and sustainable guidelines.

July 30, 2007

SCAG's Mark Pisano: 30 Years' Experience Planning Southern California

By reforming itself amid some of the country's most daunting civic challenges, SCAG aims to establish itself as a national trendsetter in regional planning.

July 30, 2007

Bay Area Council Leads Northern California Businesses in Pursuit of Fixes to California's Water Challenges

California's water supply has gone from abundant to critical in less than a year.

July 30, 2007

Congestion Pricing for Los Angeles: An Open Letter to L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa

Robert W. Poole of the Reason Foundation Argues for HOT Lanes on the region's freeways.

July 30, 2007

California Transportation Commission Moves Forward on State's Mobility Despite Budget Woes

Executive Director John Barna details the CTC's ongoing Prop 1B implementation as well as the consequences of the debate over the state budget.

July 30, 2007

SB 375 Connects Land Use and AB 32 Implementation

State Senator Darrell Steinberg tackles the connections between land use and greenhouse gas emissions. Can California continue its leadership on climate change legislation?

July 30, 2007

LA Live's Nokia Theatre Opening in the Fall; Downtown Becomes a Destination

With LA Live making substantial progress, Senior V.P. of Real Estate Ted Tanner explains AEG's vision for Downtown L.A.'s newest destination.


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